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Call your community together.

Experience the power of reflecting collectively on what is sparked as you activate your mythic realities and integrate into your human experience.  








What Is A Soul Story Council? 

A Soul Story is a way of experiencing a form of mystical story telling, where I channel a story for the group through one person. It is part meditation, part journey, part self-inquiry and reflection, part group process. They began in Maui in 2014 as a group of strangers would gather. Since then I have seen people call soul story circles for friends in need, to build relationships, among friends, and work cohorts. 

In times like this, it can be hard to know where to focus, and it can be challenging to know which narrative we are in, and what role we are playing out in the great story of our time. 


Now is the time to gather in circles. To come close, to people we know, and those we don't, and ask some of the biggest questions we dare to ask of ourselves. 


What are we capable of? 

What are we made of? 

What are our strengths, our super powers? 

As creators of our realities, weavers of the great web, I invite you to tap into the power of your soul. 




























Soul Story Council
What To Expect If You Host

When we come into a Soul Story Circle, we receive one story for the all. We tap into the mythic realms we reside, and claim and integrate that part of ourselves. Join me for a one hour story circle where you will get to luxuriate in journeying with a story for a spell. Together we will talk back to the story, and make sense of how to weave it into our lives. 

 At the core of what we are doing here is playing in the conscious, unconscious, and calling in a story that creates a shared landscape we can now live within together, no matter our differences. In the process of this, we are meeting in a context that puts us into relationship with our mythic realities, and how to integrate this into our human existence. 

"When you discover the storied pedigree of Leah Lamb and read what is written and sense what wasn't written suddenly the wind is at your back to gather her into your home and make space for her.


You call all your like minded friends on short notice to bend their ears and necks to a story not yet told.


Leah makes this seem like a very grand idea. A normal one.


And it was normal in a time before ours.


Then these people all show up. Not just in body but in attention-- because of how Leah commands the ceremony and story and the crowd writes for days about how great Leah was. This might happen to you" 

~Matthew Stillman, Author, Genesis Deflowered 

"The story you brought forth that night in April when I convened five friends in the Berkeley hills to circle a beloved of ours dealing with stage four cancer ended up being big medicine for all of us, not just her.  It invited us to see her strengths in new ways, to receive the many gifts she had for us, to find ourselves in her, to share her journey as a community. 
The other story you offered to the friends I gathered over a conference call last November to deepen our out-of-the-box explorations around money seeded a collaborative vision that has since become a powerful reference point for us, and an ongoing source of creative ideas."   
Tesa Silvestre

Your Role As Host


Your role as host is to invite your community to gather. You will want to consider between 6-20 people you want to invite in to share the experience with, and have a space where we can gather that will be protected from interruptions.


If you wish to collaborate and co-create the evening ~ that is for us to discover. When joining forces with other storytellers or creators in the world, I love finding our alchemy and have created a 2-hour program with a break in-between our offerings.


There is often pleasure found in co-creating an altar and sacrament that we then eat at the end of the event. 

The Way That It Works

We gather as a group in a circle, and each person writes their name down on a piece of paper. One person is chosen by some method to receive the story on behalf of the entire group.This person than receives the story for all as I facilitate the groups expectations regarding to how to listen for themselves in the story and how to receive it. I then go through a process of grounding and sourcing and calling in the soul story through song and prayer. As a group, we sit with eyes closed as we receive the story. Once the story is complete, we go through a process called talking back to the story where we make sense of how to apply the symbols, metaphors, and archetypes to our lives.

Time Expectations

When done with a group of strangers, a Soul Story Circle can be facilitated to be complete in one hour. It is often fun to gather to break bread in one way or another afterwards. 



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